
Hello and welcome to the site of the Apex Anychart Conversion Package!
On this site you can download the latest version, check out the features, and look at some demo's.

If you don't know where to start, Download the package and look at the Installation Guide. It will tell you exactly what to do. Click here if you'd like to see the Features and Limitations of the ACP. And if you've found any BUGS ! Be sure to report them here!

What is the Apex ACP?
The Apex ACP is a package written in PL/SQL for Oracle Apex, that enables you to convert your Anychart 3.3 charts into Anychart 4.2.1 charts.

The package generates XML that the Anychart 4.2.1 flash files can understand. The big advantage is that you can still use the Oracle Apex wizards and builder to create or maintain your charts.

A full guide of the inner workings of the Apex ACP, will be added to this site soon!